10 Јunе 2024
Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, was from June 1 to 8, 2024 at the Faculty of Law University of Lisbon, where she attended a Summer School on the topic “Logic and Law”.
Teaching at the school was conducted by professors and researchers from the University of Lisbon, the University of Genoa and the University of Belgrade, and the topics covered issues such as the use of logic in practical rationality, the application of logical rules in normative systems, analogy, proportionality and the logic of the evidentiary law. Participation in this program was possible thanks to a scholarship that is part of the project “ALF – Advancing Cooperation on the Foundation of Law” (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03-01) (http://alf.ius.bg.ac.rs).
More News from 2024
Participation of ICL’s Researchers in the Social Dialogue on Accessibility
Researchers from the Institute, Dr. Aleksandra Rabrenović, Senior Research Associate, and Ljubomir Tintor, Research Assistant, participated on December 20, 2024, in the Social Dialogue titled "Accessibility Policies of the Built Environment – Serbia on the Path to the European Union," organized by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.
Read moreParticipation of researchers at the Kopaonik School of Natural Law
From December 13 to 17, 2024, the 37th annual conference of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law "Slobodan Perović" was held...
Read moreParticipation of Prof. Ćeranić Perišić at the Conference “Economic Aspects of Innovation – Patent as a Resource”
Prof. Dr. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, director of the Institute for Comparative Law, participated in the conference "Economic Aspects of Innovation – Patent as a Resource," held on December 17, 2024, at the Moscow Hotel in Belgrade...
Read more84th UNIDROIT General Assembly Session Held
On December 12, 2024, the 84th session of the General Assembly of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) was held. Mario Reljanović, PhD, senior research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law and Ivana Skočajić, first counselor at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy, attended the session.
Read moreCertificate awarding ceremony
Director of the Institute for Comparative Law, Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD ceremoniously awarded certificates to students and young researchers who successfully completed the intensive course European Integration: History, future & current topics, which was organized in cooperation with the Europe Institute of the University of Zurich.
Read moreAleksandar Mihajlović participated in the international colloquium in Montaban, France
Aleksandar Mihajlović, research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the international colloquium entitled “Legal and Theological Dialogues” (“Dialogues théologiques et juridique”), which was organized by the Center for Legal History and Political Ideas, Faculty of Law, the University of Toulouse I Capitole, from 25 to 29 November 2024.
Read moreOur researchers participated in the Social Dialogue on models of support for children and youth with intellectual disabilities,
In anticipation of the Day of Persons with Disabilities, ICL's senior research associates Aleksandra Rabrenović and Vesna Ćorić participated in the Social Dialogue on models of support for children and youth with intellectual disabilities, organized by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.
Read moreLecture by Invitation of Dr. Bogdana Stjepanović at the Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University in Štip
On November 27, 2024, Dr. Bogdana Stjepanović, a research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, gave a lecture by invitation to second and third-year undergraduate students as part of the Family Law course at the Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University in Štip.
Read moreProf. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD and Jelena Kostić, PhD held lectures by invitation at the “Niccolo Cusano” University in Rome
Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Director of the Institute for Comparative Law, and Jelena Kostić, PhD, Senior research associate of the Institute, held lectures by invitation at the "Niccolo Cusano" University in Rome on November 19, 2024.
Read morePromotion of the collection of papers “From National Sovereignty to Negotiation Sovereignty – Days of Law Rolando Quadri” held in Rome on November 19, 2024
On November 19, 2024, at the University "Niccolo Cusano", the Department of Political, Legal and Sociological Sciences in Rome, the promotion of the collection of papers "From National Sovereignty to Negotiation Sovereignty - Days of Law Rolando Quadri" from the international scientific conference of the same name was held.
Read moreNovember scientific seminar of the Institute of Comparative Law was held
The Institute for Comparative Law's November scientific seminar was held via Zoom on Monday, November 25, 2024. Dr. Branislav Kisačanin, the leading promoter of AI technologies at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence, gave a lecture on “The Big Bang: Application of Artificial Intelligence.“
Read moreThe Institute for Comparative Law successfully organized an intensive course European Integration: History, future & current topics in cooperation with the Europa Institut at the University of Zurich
The Institute for Comparative Law successfully organized the intensive course European Integration: History, future & current topics, in cooperation with the Europa Institute of the University of Zurich, in the period from October 30th to November 15th, 2024.
Read moreAgreement on Cooperation Signed Between the Institute of Comparative Law and the Institute for Educational Research
On November 12, 2024, at the Institute for Educational Research, an Agreement on scientific-educational and professional cooperation was signed between the Institute of Comparative Law and the Institute for Educational Research.
Read moreAna Zdravković gave a presentation within the intensive course “European Integration: History, future & current topics”
On November 1st, 2024, Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, gave a presentation on "Accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights - from Luxembourg to Strasbourg ", as part of the intensive course "European Integration: History, future & current topics".
Read moreXIII Scientific Conference – “Law between protection and abuse” – was held on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo
On October 26, 2024, the XIII scientific conference was held on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo, in which, as was the case for previous years, researchers of the Institute for Comparative Law also took part.
Read moreAleksandar Mihajlović participated in the final part of the program organized by the Swedish Institute
Aleksandar Mihajlović, research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the final part of the Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) program from the Western Balkans, which was held from 22 to 24 October 2024 in Belgrade.
Read morePromotion of the monograph “Violence against Women in International Law” held at Belgrade Book Fair
Promotion of the monograph "Violence against Women in International Law", authored by Prof. Dr Gordana Gasmi and Dr Dragan Prlja, published by the Institute for Comparative Law, was held at the Book Fair at the stand of Center for the Promotion of Science, on October 24, 2024. At the promotion spoke Prof. Dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, Director of the Institute, Prof. Dr Momir Grahovac, reviewer and Prof. Dr Gordana Gasmi.
Read moreLjubomir Tintor participated in the Legal Pro Forum
Ljubomir Tintor, a research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the Legal Pro Forum 2024, at Zlatibor from October 20th to 23rd. As part of the international panel “Do Lawyers Accept Colleagues with Disabilities?”, he presented on the topic "Challenges Faced by Lawyers with Disabilities".
Read moreRound table held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany
On October 22nd, a round table was held at the Institute of Comparative Law to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany, co-organized by the Institute of Comparative Law and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation from Bonn (IRZ).
Read moreRepresentatives of the ICL particiapted in the annual conference of the European Law Institute
Representatives of the Institute of Comparative Law, Dr. Ana Knežević Bojović and Dr. Vesna Ćorić, senior research associates, attended the annual conference of the European Law Institute (ELI), held from October 9 to October 11, 2024, in Dublin, Ireland.
Read moreParticipation of prof. dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić at XXI Oktobarski pravnički dani
From October 9th to 11th 2024, in hotel „Kardial” in Banja Vrućica near Teslić the XXI Oktobarski pravnički dani were held...
Read moreThe Institute of Comparative Law appointed the Gender Equality Officer
The Scientific Council of the Institute of Comparative Law appointed on October 7th Research Associate prof. PhD Gordana Gasmi for Gender Equality Officer.
Read moreThe presentation of the exhibition catalog of the Legacy of Prof. Dr. Pavle Nikolić held at ICL
On Friday, October 4, 2024, in the library of the Institute of Comparative Law, the presentation of the exhibition catalog of the Legacy of Prof. Dr. Pavle Nikolić took place. The exhibition and the catalog were prepared by the Institute's librarian, Mirjana Markov. Prof. Dr. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, Director of the Institute of Comparative Law, Dr. Oliver Nikolić, catalog reviewer and author of the exhibition and catalog Mirjana Markov spoke at the promotion.
Read moreThe XXVI Annual Conference of the Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of Serbia was held
From October 2 to 5, 2024, the twenty-sixth annual conference of the Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of Serbia was held with the general theme "Contributions to the Future Reform of Labor Legislation" The three-day consultation brought together professors, academics and lawyers dealing with labor law and social insurance in Zlatibor, as well as trade union representatives and representatives of the line ministry. Three researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law presented the results of their research.
Read moreSamir Aličić participated in the VII International Congress “Roman Law, Chinese Law and Codification of Civil Law” in Beijing
Research associate of the Institute of Comparative Law prof. Dr. Samir Aličić participated in the VII International Congress "Roman Law, Chinese Law and Codification of Civil Law" held at the Chinese University of Law and Economics (CUPL) in Beijing on September 21 and 22, 2024, in co-organization with the Roman universities of Sapienza and Tor Vergata , the Sino-Italian Observatory for Law Codification and Legal Education...
Read moreThe XXVII International Scientific Conference “Causation of Damage, Damage Compensation and Insurance”
In the organization of the Institute of Comparative Law, the Association for Damages Law and the Judicial Academy from Belgrade, the XXVII International Scientific Conference "Causation of Damage, Damage Compensation and Insurance" was held from 25-27 September 2024. This year’s conference was traditionally held in Valjevo and is known as the oldest international scientific conference in the field of insurance and tort law held in this part of Southeast Europe.
Read moreConference held on the occasion of 40 years of the journal “Insurance trends”
In the organization of Association of Serbian Insurers, a conference was held at the Hilton Hotel on the 27th of September 2024 to mark the 40th anniversary of the existence and publication of the journal "Insurance Trends". At the beginning of 2024, the Association of Serbian Insurers took over the journal from an insurance company Dunav Osiguranje, and the Institute for Comparative Law has been a co-publisher of the journal since 2016.
Read moreAna Zdravković held a lecture at the IV School of Media Law of the Faculty of Law University of Sarajevo
Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, held a lecture on "Europe's Reaction to SLAPP Proceedings" at the IV School of Media Law of the Faculty of Law University of Sarajevo, which was organized from September 18th to 23rd, 2024 in Mostar.
Read moreProf. Dr. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić appointed as the director of the Institute for Comparative Law
Professor Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, was appointed as the director of the Institute for Comparative Law at the meeting of Institute’s Managing Board on 13 September 2024...
Read moreAnja Bezbradica participated in the annual conference of the Research Committee on the Sociology of Law, held in the United Kingdom
Our researcher Anja Bezbradica participated in the annual conference of the Research Committee on the Sociology of Law (RCSL), a research body of the International Sociological Association (ISA). This year, the conference was held from September 3 to 6 at Bangor University in the United Kingdom...
Read moreJoint Activities of the Institute of Comparative Law and Law Faculty, Sao Paulo University, Brazil
From September 10 to September 13, 2024, the Institute of Comparative Law and the Faculty of Law of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, carried out a series of joint activities...
Read moreParticipation of Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD at the 15th Network Europe Conference
From September 9 to 11, 2024, the 15th Network Europe Conference „European Integration in times of Security Challenges and Enlargement Perspectives” took place in Split. It was organized by the Europa Institute from Zurich and the Institute for European Law at the University of Zagreb. Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of Comparative Law, gave a presentation of the paper „Digital Transformation: Regulation of Artificial Intelligence”.
Read moreInternational Scientific Conference “Revisiting the Concept of Jurisdiction in the Digital Era”
On September 12, 2024, an international scientific conference entitled "Revisiting the Concept of Jurisdiction in the Digital Era", co- organized by the Institute of Comparative Law and the Faculty of Law, São Paulo University, Brazil was held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade...
Read moreThe fifth International Scientific Conference Regional Law Review
Organised by the Institute of Comparative Law from Belgrade, the University of Pecs from Hungary, the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia, the fifth international scientific conference Regional Law Review was held...
Read moreResearchers from the Institute of Comparative Law Successfully Completed EUTA Training
Researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law have successfully completed training at the European Training Academy (EUTA) for preparing, writing, and managing Horizon Europe projects, which took place from August 26 to September 3, 2024.
Read moreAna Zdravković participated at the 1oth IVRS ”Work In Progress” Conference at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade
Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, at the 1oth IVRS ”Work In Progress” Conference, which was held at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade on September 2, 2024.
Read moreAna Zdravković participated in the World Congress of the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR) in Seoul
Ana Zdravković, Assistant Researcher of the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the 31st World Congress of the International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR), on the topic "The Rule of Law, Justice and the Future of Democracy", which was held from 7 until July 12 in Seoul...
Read moreParticipation of Dr. Matijević at annual conference of the International Society of Public Law in Madrid
Dr Milica V. Matijević, Research Associate of the Institute of Comparative Law, presented a paper at the annual conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICONs) “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence”, held in July 2024 in Madrid.
Read moreAna Zdravković held a lecture at the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade as part of the spring school “Law and Gender/Pilot Master Law and Gender”
On July 2, 2024, Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, held a lecture on "Gender, Intersectionality and Diversity in International and EU Law - Case Law", as part of the Spring School "Law and Gender/Pilot Master Law and Gender"...
Read moreAna Zdravković on a Research Stay at the University of Genoa
During June 2024, Ana Zdravković, Researcher Assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, conducted a research stay at the University of Genoa, under the supervision of Prof. Alessio Sardo...
Read moreThe International Scientific Conference “Common (and Collective) Property” – A Historical Perspective at the Institute of Comparative Law
The Institute of Comparative Law in partnership with the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Naples “Federico II” organized the International Scientific Conference entitled “Common (and Collective) Property” - A Historical Perspective on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
Read moreThe promotion of the collection of papers Law and public activities Liber amicorum Jovica Trkulja was held
On June 25, 2024, a scientific conference and promotion of the collection of papers Law and public activities - Liber amicorum Jovica Trkulja, co-published by Institute of Comparative Law, took place at the Law Faculty of the University of Belgrade. The attendees were greeted by acting director of the Institute of Comparative Law, prof. Dr. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić.
Read moreThe June scientific seminar of the Institute of Comparative Law
The Institute of Comparative Law held on 24th of June a June scientific seminar on the subject “The use of generative artificial intelligence tools in legal traffic“. This time the scientific seminar was organized as a lecture given by Ljubomir Kljajić, patent attorney.
Read moreAleksandar Mihajlović participated on the Summer Program at Lund University in Sweden
From 10 to 20 June 2024, Aleksandar Mihajlović, research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the summer program the Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) from the Western Balkans...
Read moreRepresentatives of the Institute for Comparative Law elected to the bodies of the Association of Institutes of Serbia
At the session of the Assembly of the Association of Institutes of Serbia held on June 18, representatives of the Institute for Comparative Law were elected to the bodies of the Association of Institutes of Serbia - the Presidency (Dr. Vladimir Mikić - member and Dr. Milica Matijević - substitute member) and the Supervisory Board (Dr. Mirjana Glintić).
Read moreParticipation of our researchers at ECLIC conference in Osijek
At this year's traditional ECLIC International Scientific Conference, "EU at the Crossroads - Ways to Preserve Democracy and Rule of Law", organized on June 13 and 14 at the Faculty of Law of the Josip Juraj Štrosmajer University of Osijek, the Institute for Comparative Law had its representatives - Senior Research associates Dr. Aleksandra Rabrenović and Dr. Vesna Ćorić and Research associate Dr. Vladimir Mikić.
Read moreParticipation of prof. dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić at XXVII Budva Legal Days
From Jun 7th to 11th 2024, in hotel „Mediteran” in Bečići the XXVII Budva Legal Days were held. The conference was organized by the Federation of Lawyers’ Associations. Within the conference three round tables were held. Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, acting director of the Institute of Comparative Law, presented a paper „Europe of Concentric Circles – Franco-German Report on Reforming and Enlarging the European Union”.
Read moreRound Table “Taxation in the IT Industry” held at ICL
The Institute of Comparative Law organized a round table on June 4th, discussing "Taxation in the IT Industry." The moderator was Miloš Vasović, a researcher at the Institute of Comparative Law and an expert in tax law. The panelists included Miloš Krstić, a tax advisor from the UAE; Aleksandar Vasić, a tax advisor and accountant; Vuk Popović, founder of Quantox company; and Nebojša Bjelotomić, director of the "Digital Serbia" Initiative.
Read moreFinal conference of the second Jean Monnet EUVALWEB Chair took place in Belgrade
In co-organization of the Institute of Comparative Law in Belgrade, the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade, the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade, and the University of Salerno (Italy), the final conference of the Jean Monnet EUVALWEB program was held on May 30th...
Read moreResearchers from the Institute of Comparative Law participated in the XX International May Conference in Kragujevac
On May 31, 2024, the XX May Conference 'Challenges and Open Issues of Service Law' was held at the Faculty of Law University of Kragujevac. Researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law...
Read moreParticipation of prof. dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić at XXXII Meeting of Business Lawyers of Serbia
From May 26th to 29th 2024, in hotel „Zlatibor” at Zlatibor the XXXII Meeting of Business Lawyers of Serbia was held. The conference „Business Law and Challenges of Sustainable Business” was organized by the Association of Business Lawyers of Serbia.
Read moreOur researchers held guest lectures at the University of East Sarajevo Law Faculty
On May 27, 2024, ICL senior researchers Ana Knežević Bojović and Vesna Ćorić were guest lecturers at the University of East Sarajevo Law Faculty department in Bijeljina.
Read moreResearchers from the Institute of Comparative Law participated at the International Scientific Conference in Kosovska Mitrovica
U periodu od 24. do 25. maja 2024. godine održan je u Kosovskoj Mitrovici Međunarodni naučni skup „Dinamika savremenog pravnog poretka“, u organizaciji Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, Instituta za uporedno pravo i Instituta za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja.
Read moreProf. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić participated in the Intellectual Property Day at the Institute of Physics Belgrade
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the "Intellectual Property Day" seminar was held at the Dr. Dragan Popović Library of the Institute of Physics Belgrade. The meeting was organized by the Innovation Incubator of the Institute of Physics, the first institute of national importance in the Republic of Serbia, with which the Institute of Comparative Law has signed an Agreement on Scientific Cooperation. Intellectual Property Day was organized with the aim of wider popularization and understanding of intellectual property rights among the technical and natural-mathematical scientific public.
Read moreParticipation of Professor Ćeranić Perišić at EU Law School in Barg
Professor Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, held a lecture „European Values in the Comparative Systems of the Western Balkans” as a part of the EU Law School „European values: given and (or) assigned” held in Bar from 10-12 May 2024.
Read more“Stefan Andonović PhD” award has been awarded
On 13 May 2024, the "Stefan Andonović PhD" prize for the best academic work was awarded in the conference hall of the Institute of Comparative Law. The speakers at the ceremony were the Acting Director of the Institute of Comparative Law, Professor Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, Zoran Jovanović, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Kragujevac, and Jovana Rajić Ćalić, PhD, Research Associate at the Institute of Comparative Law. The topic of this year’s competition was "The legal framework of artificial intelligence - potential and risk in the future".
Read moreWinner of the competition for the award “Dr Stefan Andonović” announced
For the second year in a row, the Institute of Comparative Law in Belgrade and the Faculty of Law University of Kragujevac at the end of 2023 announced a competition to select the best scientific paper for "Stefan Andonović PhD" award. The award topic was announced under the title "The legal framework of artificial intelligence - potential and risk in the future".
Read moreVasilije Marković Presented his Research at the Administrative Law PhD Seminar
25 April 2024. On April 22, 2024, a research assistant at our Institute, Vasilije Marković, has participated in PhD Seminar in the field of administrative law jointly organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade and the University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer ...
Read moreAleksandar Mihajlović participated at the International Conference at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš
From 19 to 20 April 2024, the Faculty of Law, University of Niš organized the International Scientific Conference “Legal Principles in Contemporary Law”. Aleksandar Mihajlović, a research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, presented a co-authored research paper.
Read moreAleksandar Mihajlović participated at the International Conference in Poland
Aleksandar Mihajlović, a research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law participated at the XVI International Human Rights Conference “75 years of influence of the Council of Europe on shaping the European legal space in the areas of democracy, rule of law and protection of human rights”, which was held at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, from 14 to 16 April 2024.
Read moreCommemoration for Predrag Vukasović, PhD, retired Research Associate of the Institute of Comparative Law
April 16th, 2024. A commemoration was held in the premises of the Institute for Comparative Law for Predrag Vukasović, PhD, a retired Research Associate of the Institute who passed away on February 27 of this year ...
Read moreDr. Đurić appointed as an independent expert as a permanent and full member of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe
On 10 April 2024, at the 1495th meeting of the Deputy Ministers of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Dr. Vladimir Đurić, senior research associate of the Institute for Comparative, was appointed as a permanent and full member of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe as an independent expert of the Republic of Serbia.
Read moreAna Zdravković presented her research at the Seminar “Belgrade Meets Surrey” at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade
Ana Zdravković, Research Assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the ALF PHD Session within the Seminar "Belgrade Meets Surrey", which was held at the Faculty of Law...
Read moreA presentation of the collection of papers „In Memory of Dr. Jovan Ćirić – Paths of Law” held at the Institute of Comparative Law
In the Institute for Comparative Law, the promotion of the collection "In memory of Dr. Jovan Ćirić - Paths of Law" was held. Reviewers, representatives of the Constitutional Court of Serbia and the editors of the collection spoke about the collection, but also about the life and work of Dr. Ćirić, the longtime director of the Institute for Comparative Law and a judge of the Constitutional Court of Serbia.
Read moreThe April scientific seminar of the Institute of comparative law
Today, the Institute of Comparative Law held an April scientific seminar on the subject of “15 years since the adoption of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination”. This time the scientific seminar was in organized as a round table, and the participants were the following: prof. Saša Gajin, PhD, associate professor of the Faculty of Law of "Union" University, Stefan Živković, MA from the State Audit Institution, and Aleksandar Mihajlović, MA, Research Assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law.
Read moreThe conference “Protection of the rights of employees” held at the Law Faculty of Union University in Belgrade
Konferencija pod nazivom "Zaštita prava zaposlenih" održana je u prostorijama Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta Union u Beogradu 29. i 30. marta. Konferenciju su zajednički organizovali Udruženje pravnika Srbije, Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union u Beogradu i Institut za uporedno pravo.
Read moreJelena Kostić PhD, senior research fellow, delivered lecture by invitation at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš
On March 27, 2024, Jelena Kostić, PhD, senior research fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law, delivered a lecture by invitation, third-year undergraduate students enrolled in the Criminology course at the Faculty of Law, University of Niš. The topic of her lecture was „Economic crime - phenomenological and etiological characteristics and possibilities of prevention“.
Read moreStudy visit of dr Ana Knežević Bojović at the Faculty of Law, University of Florence
From February 15th to March 15th, 2024, Ana Knežević Bojović, Ph.D a senior research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, was on a study visit at the Faculty of Law, University of Florence. During this time, dr Knežević Bojović researched topics central to her current academic work.
Read moreResearch stay of prof. Samir Aličić at the University “Magna Graecia” in Catanzaro
Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law, Professor Samir Aličić, recently completed a research stay at Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro (Calabria), where he gave lectures to graduate and undergraduate students.
Read moreProf. dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić participated in the 83rd session of the UNIDROIT General Assembly
Acting director of the Institute of Comparative Law, Prof. dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, Principal Research Fellow, participated in the 83rd session of the UNIDROIT General Assembly, which was held in Rome on March 11, 2024. Apart from Ms Ćeranić Perišić, Ms Ivana Skočajić, the first counsellor at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Italy was also in attendance.
Read moreNew acting director of Institute of Comparative Law
As of today, Professor Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, serves as the acting director of the Institute for Comparative Law.
Read moreIn memoriam Predrag Vukasović 1957-2024.
27 February 2024. It is with great sadness that we received the news today of the passing of dr Predrag Vukasović, retired ICL Research Associate ...
Read moreThe agreement on cooperation between Institute of Comparative law and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality is signed
19 February 2024 On February 19, 2024, an agreement on cooperation was signed between the Institute of Comparative Law and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, represented by Brankica Janković in the premises of the Institute of Comparative Law.
Read more