Publishing of the brochure on international standards for respect of the work of the judiciary by public officials
20 December 2021 A brochure on international standards for respect of the work of the judiciary by public officials, co-authored by Ana Knezevic Bojovic, PhD senior research fellow at the Institute for Comparative Law.
Read moreMilica Matijević (PhD) delievered series of lectures at Faculty of Law University of Florence
26 November 2021 Milica V. Matijević (PhD), the Research Associate of the Institute of Comparative Law, last week has delivered three lectures about the legal systems of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries at the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence as a part of one-month research stay.
Read moreComparative analysis on confidential counselling for judges and for public prosecutors presented to the Serbian judiciary
14 July 2021 Members of the Ethics Committees of the Serbian High Judicial Council and the State Prosecutorial Council were presented with the Analysis of systems of confidential counselling on ethical matters for judges and for public prosecutors. The Analysis contains a set of recommendations for policymakers on steps to be taken to introduce confidential counselling into Serbian judiciary.
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