Participation of Research Associates at the Institute of Comparative Law at the Second Memorial Conference “Predrag Marić”

March 21, 2023. Research Associates at the Institute of Comparative Law Miloš Stanić, PhD and Ass. Prof. Miroslav Đorđević, PhD participated on March 20th, 2023 at the Second Memorial Conference “Predrag Marić”, that took place at the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade. The Conference was dedicated to the memory of the prematurely deceased police general Predrag Marić and organized by the Faculty of Security University of Belgrade and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. The topic of the paper that was presented by our researchers at the conference was “UEFA Safety and Security Regulations”.

More News from 2023

Vasilije Marković delivered guest lectures at the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka

On December 25 and 26, 2023, Vasilije Marković, research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law visited the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka, and on that occasion, he gave third and fourth year students two lectures within the subjects Administrative Law and Administrative procedure and administrative dispute. 


Ana Zdravković Held a Lecture on SLAPP Lawsuits as Part of the Training for Journalists “SLAPP Lawsuits – What Are We Going to Do About Them?”

Ana Zdravković held a lecture on SLAPP lawsuits as part of the training for journalists "SLAPP lawsuits - What Are We Going to Do About Them?", which was organized by the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation on December 21st and 22nd, as part of the project "Ensuring Justice for Freedom of Expression: Measuring Effectiveness of Judicial Protection"...


Our Researchers Delieverd Lectures Within Studies for the Innovation of Knowledge in Insurance

23rd December 2023. Professor Vladimir Čolović, director of the Institute of Comparative Law and Mirjana Glinitć, PhD, a research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, gave lectures on December 23rd at the Studies for Knowledgde Innovation in the field of Insurance titled "New Insurance Products, Technological Innovations, and Consumer Protection in Insurance" ...


Participation of ICL’s researchers at Koopaonik Law School

At this year’s Kopaonik School of Natural Law-Slobodan Perovic, Serbia’s largest legal conference, participated researchers of Institute of Comparative Law - Dr. Miloš Stanić, Senior Research Fellow, Dr. Jelena Vukadinović Marković, Research Associate and Dr. Mirjana Glintić, Research Associate.


Participation of Ivana Radomirović in the interdisciplinary course “How to Communicate Modern Science” organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science

Our colleague Ivana Radomirović attended the three-day course "How to communicate modern science", which was organized by the Center for the Promotion of Science from December 12 to 14. The author and lecturer of the course is PhD Darko Donevski...


ICL’s director Prof. Dr. Čolović participated in the 82nd session of the UNIDROIT Assembly

Director of the Institute for Comparative Law, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Čolović, participated in the 82nd session of the UNIDROIT Assembly, which was held in Rome on December 14, 2023.


Research stay of Vasilije Marković at the Law Faculty of the University of Florence

From 10 November to 10 December, junior research assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, Vasilije Marković, conducted one month research stay at the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence. The research stay was realized as part of the cooperation agreement between the Institute of Comparative Law and the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence, which was signed by the director of the Institute, prof. Vladimir Čolović and Dean Prof. Alessandro Simoni in May 2023.


Participation of Researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law in the Master Class Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Legal and Ethical Challenges

From October to November 2023, the Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, the University of Belgrade, organized four two-day lectures as a part of the Master Class Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Legal and Ethical Challenges.


Promotion of the Handbook for the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Promotion of the "Handbook for the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" was held at the Faculty of Law of the Belgrade University on December 11, 2023. Dr. Mario Reljanović, research fellow of the Institute of Comparative Law, attended the promotion and addressed the audience, as one of the authors of the publication.


Third Scientific Conference “Serbian Football – Comparative Legal Challenges and Perspectives” was held at the Institute of Comparative Law

December 7th, 2023. The Third Scientific Conference “Serbian Football - Comparative Legal Challenges and Perspectives” was held on December 4th, 2023, at the Institute for Comparative Law.


Our research associate Aleksandar Mihajlović participated in the National Scientific Conference “Convict Population: New Perspectives”

On December 4th, 2023, Aleksandar Mihajlović, research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the National Scientific Conference "Convict Population: New Perspectives".


A meeting of representatives of the Institute for Comparative Law and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality was held

On 30th of November 2023 in the premises of the office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, a meeting of the acting representative of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Tatjana Prijić and representatives of the Institute of Comparative Law was held.


The visit of the Delegation of the Institute of Comparative Law to the Football Association of Serbia

November 29th, 2023. The delegation of the Institute of Comparative Law, which consisted of professor Vladimir Čolović, director of the Institute, Miloš Stanić Ph.D, senior research associate and Anja Bezbradica, research associate, pay a visit to the Football Association of Serbia on 28th of November 2023 ...


Signed Agreement of cooperation between the Agency for prevention of corruption and the Institute of comparative law

The Agreement of cooperation between the Agency for Prevention of Corruption of the Republic of Serbia and the Institute of Comparative Law was signed on 27 November 2023, in the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, in order to establish scientific and professional cooperation in connection with the study and analytical work of finding the best solutions in the field of prevention of corruption in order to consistently respect the principles of the rule of law.


Our researcher Ljubomir Tintor participated in the XVIII International Conference on Law in Southeast Europe – “HARMONIUS Business and Legal Challenges of the Open Balkans”

Ljubomir Tintor, a research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the XVIII International Conference on Law in Southeast Europe – "HARMONIUS Business and Legal Challenges of the Open Balkans"...


Visit of delegation from the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Salerno to the Institute of Comparative Law

On November 15, 2023, the Institute of Comparative Law was visited by Professor dr Teresa Russo and PhD student Stefano Busillo from the Faculty of Law of the University of Salerno. The aim of the visit was to discuss the implementation of a joint project that involves conducting research, organizing and publishing the proceedings of the international scientific conference


Lecture by Ana Zdravković at the University of Genoa

Research Assistant of the Institute of Comparative Law, Ana Zdravković, gave a lecture on "Absolutely Not Absolute? - Some Reflections on the Non-Derogable Status of Freedom of Thought, Conscious and Religion" at the University of Genoa.


Dr Iva Tošić held a lecture at the Studies for Knowledge Innovation in the field of Insurance titled “New Insurance Products, Technological Innovations, and Consumer Protection in Insurance.”

Dr Iva Tošić, a Research Fellow at The Institute of Comparative Law, on October 28, held a lecture at the Studies for Knowledge Innovation in the field of Insurance titled "New Insurance Products, Technological Innovations, and Consumer Protection in Insurance."


The XII Scientific conference in honour of the Day of the Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo “Legal gaps and the fullness of rights”

On October 28, 2023, the 12th scientific conference was held in honour of the Day of the Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo, where the researchers of our Institute took part.


October scientific seminar of Institute of Comparative Law held

October scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Comparative Law on October 27, 2023. The topic of the seminar was "Connecting authors' profiles: ORCiD, Scopus, Web of Science, OpenAIRE". The lecturer was Milica Ševkušić, Senior Librarian at Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and national coordinator for open access in EIFL. 


Institute’s researchers attended the international conference at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

Senior Research Associate Jelena Kostić, PhD and Research Associate Mirjana Glintić, PhD participated at the international conference “The Changing Concept of National Security and The International Economic Law System“ in Lausanne, organised by the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Institut suisse de droit comparé).


Conference “Contemporary state-church law” was held

From October 12 to 14, 2023, the third international scientific conference on state- church law was held in Budva. This year's conference was held under the title "Contemporary state- church law". As in 2015 and 2019, the co-organizers of this year's international scientific conference were the Institute of Comparative Law Belgrade and the Metropolitanate of the Montenegro and Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church, with the support of the Municipality of Budva.


Institute of Comparative Law Researchers took part in the international conference on general administrative procedure

U sali Privredne komore Srbije u Beogradu, 13. oktobra 2023. godine, održana je međunarodna konferencija „Analiza Zakona o opštem upravnom postupku u funkciji privrede i građana“, koju je organizovala konsultantska kuća „Eurosfera“.


Participation of our researchers at the 25th Conference of the Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of Serbia

In the period from 5-8 October 2023, the 25th Conference of the Association for Labor Law and Social Insurance of Serbia was held in Zlatibor under the title "Labor Law in Regulations and Practice". Journal of the aforementioned Association of Counseling is co-published by the Institute for Comparative Law as of this year.


Participation of our researchers at conference Oktobarski pravnički dani in Banja Luka

From October 6th to 7th, 2023, a Scientific Conference „Oktobarski pravnički dani” was held in Banja Luka. It was organized by the Association of Lawyers of the Republika Srpska. Among the participants of the conference were researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law: Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, and Prof. Vladimir Đurić, PhD, Senior Research Associate.


Two ICL Senior Research Associates took part in the conference on evaluation of judges’ work

Judge’s Association of Serbia, together with Magistrats Européens pour la Démocratie et les Libertés (MEDEL), supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia and the Open Society Foundation, organised on October 6, 2023, an international conference entitled Evaluation of Judges’ Work. Ana Knežević Bojović, being one of the panelists, talked about the challenges related to evaluation of the work of judges in the context of the new set of judicial laws in Serbia.


Dr Jelena Ćeranić Perišić at International Institute for the Unification of Private Law in Rome (UNIDROIT)

On 4th October 2023, prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated in the presentation of the publication of the Principles on Digital Assets and Private Law, held at the seat of International Institute for the Unification of Private Law in Rome.


Participation of Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD at the 14th Network Europe Conference

Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Law participated at International Scientific Conference 14th Network Europe Conference „EU Enlargement and European Integration: Challenges and Perspectives” in Stockholm.


The XXVI International Scientific Conference “Causation of Damage, Damage Compensation and Insurance” held

The XXVI International Scientific Conference "Causation of Damage, Damage Compensation, and Insurance" was held from September 20th to 22nd in Valjevo, organized by the Institute of Comparative Law, the Association for Tort Law, and the Judicial Academy of Belgrade. This conference is the oldest international scientific conference in the field of tort and insurance law held in this part of Southeast Europe.


The fourth Regional Law Review Conference held

The fourth Regional Law Review conference was held on September 7-8, 2023 in hybrid mode (live and through Zoom platform)...


Institute’s researchers attended the ELI annual conference

September 13th, 2023. Senior Research Associate Ana Knežević Bojović and research associate Mirjana Glintić participated at the European Law Institute (ELI) Annual Conference. The Conference was held on the premises of the Vienna University from September 6 to September 8, 2023 ...


Aleksandar Mihajlović attended Summer School at the Law Faculty University of Split

Aleksandar Mihajlović, research associate at the Institute of Comparative Law, participated on the summer school “New challenges for European integration - the Ukrainian war and its implications for the European Union and the Western Balkans”, at the Faculty of Law, University of Split, from 3 to 9 September 2023.


Jana Ivanović Grahovac Conducted a Research Stay at the Institute of Comparative Law

July 27th, 2023. Jana Ivanović Grahovac has successfully completed her research stay at the Institute of Comparative Law, which lasted from June 19th until July 28th, 2023. After finishing her Bachelor Legal Studies, in 2022 Jana decided to continue her education by enrolling in the Global Campus of Human Rights Master Programme, as a scholarship holder of the European Commission ...


Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD Held a Lecture at the Institute of Physics in Belgrade

21 June 2023 Within the regular seminar of the Innovation Center of the Institute of Physics, on June 21, 2023, prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, principal research fellow of the Institute of Comparative Law, held a lecture on the topic of the Unitary Patent ...


International scientific conference “Admissibility of Evidence in the European Legal Space” was held

15 June 2023 International scientific conference “Admissibility of Evidence in the European Legal Space” was held on 15 June 2023 at the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies. Conference was organized by University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies and Institute of Comparative Law.


June scientific seminar of Institute of Comparative Law held

15 June 2023 At June scientific seminar held at the Institute of Comparative Law on 15th June 2023 a lecture on the topic “Citing literature and bibliographic tools” was given by Ana Đorđević, graduate librarian of the Faculty of the University of Belgrade.


Research stay of our researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg

During May 2023, three researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law, Mirjana Glintić, Research Fellow, Iva Tošić, Research Assistant and Jovana Misailović, Research Assistant, conducted a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg...


Participation of our researchers at the “Budva Legal Days”

June 7th 2023 At the 26th conference "Current issues of modern legislation at 26th days in Budva" organized by the Federation of Lawyers' Associations of Serbia and Republika Srpska held from 2nd to 6th June 2023 researchers from the Institute of Comparative Law in Belgrade took part in the Mediteran Hotel in Bečići ...


Our Researchers Successfully Completed “Spring School LAW AND GENDER“

6 June 2023 Jovana Rajić Ćalić and Ana Zdravković, Research Assistants at the Institute for Comparative Law, participated in the “Spring School LAW AND GENDER” ...


Ivana Radomirović’s participation in the Polish-European School of Law in Poland

5 June 2023 Ivana Radomirović, the junior research assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law, took part in the second summer school of law ’the Polish-European School of Law’, organized by the University of Bialystok in Poland, in the framework of SPINAKER – Intensive International Curricula.


Institute of Comparative Law has launched a blog

4 June 2023 We are pleased to announce that the blog of the Institute of Comparative Law has officially been launched! Guided by the idea that that the challenges of modern legal theory and practice should be communicated to the public in a format that is shorter than a scientific paper, while still relying on the relevant research apparatus, the Institute of Comparative Law has launched its blog.


ICL researchers participated in the XXXI Meeting of Business Lawyers of Serbia

From May 28th to 31st, 2023, in the congress center of the hotel "Fontana" in Vrnjacka Banja, the XXXI Meeting of Business Lawyers of Serbia was held. The conference was organized by the Association of Business Lawyers of Serbia


Delegation of the Institute of Comparative Law at the Celebration of the Day of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade

On Tuesday, May 30th 2023, the delegation of the Institute of Comparative Law, consisting of Milica Matijević, PhD, Head of the Projects Department, Ana Knežević Bojović, PhD, Vesna Ćorić, PhD, Ana Zdravković and Vasilije Marković, attended the ceremony on the occasion of the Day of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade ...


Ivana Radomirović received the “Katarina Lengold Marinković” Award

On 19 May 2023, in the Great Hall of the Assembly of Vojvodina, the Bar Association of Vojvodina celebrated the Day of the Bar. On that occasion, plaques were presented to the Vojvodina Bar Association Herald competition winners ...


Visit of the delegation from the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence and signing of the Agreement on scientific cooperation

On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, the delegation from the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence visited the Institute for Comparative Law. The delegation was led by professor Alessandro Simoni, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Florence, and has also included Giacomo Pailli, PhD, a Research Associate, and seven doctoral students...


Researchers at the Institute of Comparative Law Participated in the Conference in Kosovska Mitrovica

From May 19th to 20th, 2023, an International Scientific Conference "Law Between Ideals and Reality" was held in Kosovska Mitrovica. It was organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Priština (temporary situated in Kosovska Mitrovica) and the Institute of Comparative Law. Among participants in the conference were Prof. Jelena Ćeranić Perišić, PhD, Scientific Adviser at the Institute of Comparative Law and Prof. Vladimir Đurić, PhD, Senior Research Associate ...


The scientific conference “Reform of the Judicial System of Serbia” was held in the co-organization of the Institute for Comparative Law

The scientific conference "Reform of the Judicial System of Serbia" organized by the Institute of Comparative Law, Union University Law School and the Association of Lawyers of Serbia was held on May 12th and 13th at the Union University Law School. Participants in the conference were renowned representatives of the Serbian judiciary, such as judges, deputy public prosecutors, attorneys, notaries public and enforcement officials ...


Asst. Prof. Miroslav Đorđević, PhD elected Vice President of the High Prosecutorial Council

13 May 2023 Our colleague, research fellow of the Institute of Comparative Law, Assistant Professor Miroslav Đorđević, PhD was elected member of the High Prosecutorial Council of the Republic of Serbia from among the elective members chosen by the National Assembly. At the plenary session of the Parliament, he received 156 votes, and was then unanimously elected by the Commission. At the first session of the Council, Mr Đorđević was unanimously elected as the Vice President of the High Prosecutorial Council.


Promotion of the collection of papers “Comparative legal challenges in contemporary law – in memoriam Stefan Andonović Phd” and the awarding of the “Stefan Andonović Phd” award for the best scientific paper

On May 12th the Institute of Comparative Law in Belgrade hosted the promotion of the collection of the papers "Comparative Law Challenges in Contemporary Law - in memoriam Stefan Andonović Phd" edited by Jovana Rajić Ćalić, co-published by the Institute of Comparative Law and the Faculty of Law University of Kragujevac...


Participation of our researcher Vasilije Marković at Third ENTAN Training School in Zagreb

8-11 May 2023 Vasilije Marković, a researcher at the Institute of Comparative Law, has participated at the Third ENTAN Training School at Libertas University in Zagreb from May 8th to 11th 2023. The participants of the ENTAN training school had the opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions about the theory and practices of non-territorial minority autonomy together with their colleagues from Europe and the world, both through lectures and through several interactive workshops.
